Osteopathy is an Allied health field concerned with restoring and improving body movement, posture, strength and function, including the health and well-being of the muscles, the skeleton, ligaments and connective tissues. It uses several non-invasive therapies, including physical manipulation, stretching and massage, which help to improve strength, flexibility, and blood-flow, and relieve tension and pain. Osteopathy helps with recovery and rehabilitation of movement and strength following sports injury, trauma, surgery or illness. It can also help people who have chronic and congenital conditions affecting their movement. The field takes a holistic approach to patient care, aiming to improve overall health, healing, independence and wellbeing, and prevent premature aging or functional decline. It incorporates knowledge of anatomy, physiology, psychology, pathology and biomechanics combined with clinical examination techniques. Osteopathy is often practiced in private clinics, or as part of musculoskeletal units in hospitals – where care is integrated with other medical and health services.