Vascular Surgery involves the specialist care of patients with vascular disease and disorders of the blood vessels and lymphatic system (excluding the brain and heart), which include diabetes, blockages in the arteries or veins, blood clots, aneurysms, varicose veins, and graft infections, among others. It involves clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment - both surgical and non-surgical. It is underpinned by internal medicine, but further studies the anatomy, pathology and physiology, of the vascular system. It studies the application of diagnostic tools and medical imaging, professionalism and ethics, and preoperative and perioperative assessment and management of patients. Surgical management includes endoluminal techniques, vascular access procedures, interventional procedures, management of trauma, wound healing, and pre, peri and post -operative care. Vascular surgery aims to improve the flow of circulation through the body, reduce vascular disease and complications, and improve health and quality of life. Surgeries include emergency and elective vascular procedures including bypass operations, stenting and angioplasty, minimally invasive catheter procedures and surgical reconstruction. To provide appropriate patient care, Vascular Surgery interacts with other medical and surgical specialties, such as Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology, Diabetes Medicine, Interventional Radiology, Renal Medicine, Stroke Medicine and Transplant Surgery.